Tuesday, June 25, 2013


…And I’ve never seen the moon when one is meant to

Never where it’s supposed to be

Always hiding.

Always hiding.

Beneath the darkest clouds,
an unrelenting rain

Neck craned skyward

Like drowned turkeys,
curiously killed

Swallowed up by a great fish

Its reflection plucked from the water

Tasty morsel

The great horned beast


Or something along those lines

Makes me wonder if life’s been imitating…

The home I’ve built for myself

Embraced the forever night

Lore I’ve taken to heart

Drifted apart

Skimmed the edges,
paper cut

Rock denied

Only sky

Feet caught between the cracks
of these here wooden planks

Seamlessly phasing in and out

1 comment:

  1. I love it. Don't really understand the turkeys part. You write like dream sequence it seems. REM cycles. -bows- Arigato for the read.


Wahtchu think, mayng?